Upload a picture, sketch, or link of the setting you’d like us to create. Start customizing with our free tool.
Within 48 hours, our designers will create four(4) views of 2D renderings with all the details FREE OF CHARGE.
We’ll email it to you for your approval. Make any necessary edits and we will revise within 24 hours.
Once approved, we will price it at 10-30% less than any other jeweler.
If you like the design, we’ll send you a payment link and your new ring will be ready within 8-10 business days.
Engagement Rings
Create a ring as unique as your loveWomen's Wedding Bands
Wedding bands, exclusively yoursMen's Ring
Create a timeless ring that reflects styleEarrings
Design earrings that shine brightNecklaces/ Pendants
Craft a necklace that speaks to heartsBracelets
Personalize it to show pure eleganceWe are jewelry designers and jewelry manufacturers and have been making custom rings and jewelry for over 30 years. Pay us only after you approve the design. Upon payment, we will print it, cast it, and set the stone - all within 5-7 business days, and because we handle every step from start to finish, we can guarantee you the ring of your dreams for 10-30% less than anyone else.
The ring will be designed according to the specific measurements of the center diamond or gem, and finger size to create the perfect one-of-a-kind design, as unique as the story that created it.
Add details like shape and measurements of the center gem, your finger size, metal color, and metal type. Include quoted price if you have received a quote and any extra details you would like to know in order to make your jewelry the perfect match for you.
In the end, you will have the custom, semi-handcrafted design you've dreamed of in a perfect fit. It's a design that is made from start to finish without the overhead fees of a third party.
How long does the customization process take?
How long does the customization process take?
How long does the customization process take?
How long does the customization process take?
How long does the customization process take?
How long does the customization process take?